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Therapeutic Update

As gene therapy advances, so too does the critical role of the pharmacist in the provision of this therapy. By Kerry Watts FANZCAP (Compound., Research), Senior Project and Policy Officer, …

Psychedelics are known to elicit altered states of consciousness, but can they provide therapeutic benefit? By Dr Martin Williams, Executive Director of Psychedelic Research and Science and Medicine (Prism Limited), …

With medication having limited benefits on the progress and treatment of dementia, there is rising interest in non-pharmacologic treatment options. This article examines one option: reminiscence therapy. By John Wilks …

Liquid medications are designed to provide an 鈥榚asy to swallow鈥 alternative to solid medication dosage forms and have added benefits of rapid absorption. However, for people with dysphagia, which affects …

Drug delivery science is constantly changing healthcare. In many cases these changes are minor and iterative. Every so often, however, we are faced with a paradigm shift that necessitates a …

With more than 50% of all hospital admissions being for people aged 65 and older, understanding age-related functional, cognitive and social factor changes and their impact on medication use is …