A look at some of the recent changes to the medicines landscape, with new products and indications New Products Avacopan (Tavneos) is a selective antagonist of the human complement 5a …

From 1 June 2024, NSW pharmacists who meet certain conditions can provide treatment for UTIs to eligible patients The UTI component of the NSW Pharmacy Trial ceased on 31 May …

As we enter the cooler months you may see an increase in customers coming through your doors displaying symptoms of sneezing and a runny nose. But depending on the cause …

As pharmacists start to evaluate their end of year accreditation, Chief Pharmacist, Suzanna Nash at Australasian College of Pharmacy says there are opportunities for those pharmacists wanting to evolve their …

Recommend Rikodeine to your patients to help put a stop to their stubborn dry cough. Cough is a common symptom for which people seek the advice of a pharmacist. Pharmacists …

Pharmacists aim to support and guide customers to the appropriate recommendation by determining first if a cough is productive or dry. Acute cough is a common symptom that requires input …

Our Calcium requirements change over the course of our lifetime. For adults, both men and women, it is important to build and maintain bone mass as you age. This means …

From 28 May 2024, pharmacists in Western Australia can supply women who meet certain criteria with a resupply of the oral contraceptive pill (OCP) without a doctor’s prescription Pharmacists who …

It’s an integral part of our professional and personal lives, but for health professionals, it also has its hazards. PDL advises on use of social media… Social media has become …

Pharmacy owners will have plenty to think about following last week’s Federal Budget, Marcus Evitt of Peak Strategies says Labour Treasurer, Jim Chalmers’ has released the 2024-2025 federal budget, focusing …

Major changes to the Pharmacy Business Ownership Act 2024 will have several impacts on Queensland pharmacy owners, writes Lachlan Ballinger In December 2023, the Queensland Government took a significant step …

Having data-informed marketing strategy and analysis is essential for getting the best outcomes, says Sarah Rendell When it comes to pharmacists and marketing, I often come across this common assumption …