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Jean Hailes鈥 gynaecologist Dr Pav Nanayakkara & physiotherapist Amy Steventon discuss optimal pelvic pain management in pharmacy 25 June 2024 | 7-8.00PM AEST How might pelvic pain in women present, …

Pharmacists Carlene Ngoma and Tinu Abraham share an easy-to-use Q&A algorithm to help patients select the right over-the-counter product for short-term cough This webinar shows pharmacists and pharmacy assistants how …

By understanding the underlying causes of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), its presentation and the management options available, pharmacists can provide the most appropriate counselling and advice. By Jala Moushi, BPharm(Hons), …

This 30-minute Clinical Pharmacy Update session from APP2024 explores the gender disparity in pain management revealed by 2023 consumer research, where 1 in 2 Australian women felt their pain was …

This article will discuss sarcopenia, its pathophysiology, effects, management strategies, and how pharmacists can support patients. We will explore the causes, risk factors and ways to prevent sarcopenia, and discuss …

As we enter the cooler months you may see an increase in customers coming through your doors displaying symptoms of sneezing and a runny nose. But depending on the cause …

As pharmacists start to evaluate their end of year accreditation, Chief Pharmacist, Suzanna Nash at Australasian College of Pharmacy says there are opportunities for those pharmacists wanting to evolve their …

Recommend Rikodeine to your patients to help put a stop to their stubborn dry cough. Cough is a common symptom for which people seek the advice of a pharmacist. Pharmacists …

Pharmacists aim to support and guide customers to the appropriate recommendation by determining first if a cough is productive or dry. Acute cough is a common symptom that requires input …

Our Calcium requirements change over the course of our lifetime. For adults, both men and women, it is important to build and maintain bone mass as you age. This means …

What is allergic rhinitis? Commonly referred to as 鈥榟ayfever鈥, allergic rhinitis is the most common allergic disorder in Australia and often underdiagnosed, undertreated and sub-optimally self-treated.ii Allergic rhinitis may be …

Adults suffer an average of 2-5 common colds every year1. When customers are suffering from a cough related to a seasonal cold, they may present to store with the symptoms …

Pharmacists Carlene Ngoma and Tinu Abraham share an easy-to-use Q&A algorithm to help patients select the right over-the-counter product for short-term cough 29 May 2024 | 7-8.00PM AEST This webinar …

Dr Kieran Le Plastrier and pharmacist Suzanna Nash discuss how to improve parent counselling skills on pain & fever using new ACP guideline This webinar shows pharmacists how they can …