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The AJP is the official publication and video sponsor for the Australian Pharmacy Professional Conference (APP).

The APP in one minute

Amanda Seeto, Guild national councillor, speaks about her passions for increasing the number of women in pharmacy leadership, and for improving medicines safety processes Amanda Seeto, Queensland Pharmacy Guild state …

Deon Schoombie, CEO of Consumer Healthcare Products Australia talks about pharmacy’s role in self-care education and the latest developments on medicine scheduling Dr Deon Schoombie, CEO of Consumer Healthcare Products …

Head of Pharmacy at Blooms The Chemist, Eric Chan emphasises the importance of collaborative care in cultivating a relationship of trust and transparency between a pharmacist and physician. He outlines …

Rheumatologist, Dr Gerald Tracey explains the opportunities biosimilars present for prescribing physicians, particularly given the government supported streamlined process. Gerald highlights the advantages of collaborative care between the prescriber and …

Trent Twomey, the National President of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia highlights the shifting power dynamic from physicians to patients in determining what medicines they are prescribed. Collaborative care is …

Professor Andrew Oster, Consultant Rheumatologist at the Cabrini Medical Centre in Malvern, Victoria, explains the opportunities biosimilars bring, allowing patients to switch medications. Given the interchangeability of biosimilars, he emphasises …

What impact have the pandemic, lockdowns and changing work patterns had on pharmacy market values? How different is the new generation of pharmacists? Frank Sirianni gives his views Pharmacy market …

George Tambassis, Pharmacist, ex-National Guild President, and chair of the Australian Biosimilar Academy Advisory Board outlines the importance of pharmacist involvement in understanding biosimilars. Given the government supported Community Pharmacy …

Helen O’Byrne, president of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia (Tas) talks about her plans for pharmacists to play a greater role in vaccinations and other new areas of practice聽 聽 …

In this video, Professor Andrew McLachlan discusses how a patient鈥檚 health literacy can impact their choice of self-management strategies for OA symptoms and how a lack of condition awareness can …

A recent study found only 3.5% of participants with self-reported OA symptoms sought advice from a pharmacist despite the critical role pharmacists play in helping patients on their pain management …

Over the past year, Australians are聽increasingly聽seeking for more holistic solutions聽for their wellness needs.聽 In this interview,聽Annalee Combis,聽Marketing Lead 鈥 Wellness聽at聽GSK Consumer Healthcare聽talks to Miranda Deakin聽on聽the latest buyer trends in the聽VMS …