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Pharmacy Guild of Australia

Ergas modelling 50% higher than Government estimates, according to updated 60-day dispensing “pharmacy kit” A Health Department 60-day dispensing instructional 鈥減harmacy kit鈥 has been updated to take aim at the …

Concerns about the impacts 60-day dispensing will have on community pharmacies are being dismissed by a government MP Labor MP, Peta Murphy, has dismissed suggestions that the closure of the …

Pharmacy owners鈥 double dispensing concerns dubbed an 鈥渋rresponsible scare campaign鈥 by doctors鈥 group聽 Opposition leader, Peter Dutton, is being urged to clarify the Coalition鈥檚 position on 60-day dispensing, with the …

Government urged to compromise on 60-day dispensing roll out to protect the viability of community pharmacies聽 Compromise will be critical to ensuring rural communities retain access to pharmacist-delivered health services …

Employers鈥 groups are calling on the federal government to rethink proposed changes to industrial relations (IR) laws聽 Planned changes to Australian workplace relations legislation will put the economy at risk, …

Residents living in marginal federal seats are set to be bombarded with advertising highlighting the risks double dispensing poses to the viability of community pharmacies聽 The Pharmacy Guild of Australia …

Suggestions that rural pharmacies are set to get a $90,000 funding boost to counteract the impacts of 60-day dispensing are wide of the mark聽 Royal Australian College of General Practitioners …

Rural towns with limited healthcare resources could be left without a pharmacy as a side effect of the Government鈥檚 double dispensing plan聽 Patients in rural areas will bear the brunt …

Guild calls on Prime Minister to stop the cycle of spin and re-engaged with the community pharmacy sector聽 In the absence of consultation with pharmacists over 60-day dispensing, Mark Butler …

Pharmacy Guild of Australia WA branch president, Andrew Ngeow, will take the organisation鈥檚 seat on the board of the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA)聽 Ngeow鈥檚 appointment came after …

Minister tells Senate Estimates that the Pharmacy Guild of Australia鈥檚 decision to brief members about 60-day dispensing had similarities to PwC leaks聽 Moves by the Pharmacy Guild of Australia to …

Labor is unlikely to open talks on the Eighth Community Pharmacy Agreement (8CPA) without an apology from the Pharmacy Guild of Australia聽 Concerns around an alleged breach of confidentiality by …