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Department defends recommendation to ban the compounding of semaglutide and tirepatide medications聽 Moves to prohibit pharmacists from compounding replicas of Ozempic (semaglutide) and Mounjaro (tirepatide) were not a 鈥渒nee-jerk response鈥 …

Western Sydney pharmacy hit with聽a fine of more than $18,000 in relation to alleged unlawful advertising of Ozempic聽 The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has issued an infringement notice of $18,780 …

Government urged to roll back its ban on compounding weight loss drugs聽 Banning the compounding of glucagon-like peptide-2 receptor agonists (GLP-1RAs) medications will limit patient access to the weight loss …

Compounding exemptions for diabetes medications, Ozempic and Mounjaro, will be removed from 1 October, minister reveals聽 Compounding pharmacies will be barred from producing replicas of Ozempic (semaglutide) and Mounjaro (tirazapetide) …

Patient violently ill and vomiting blood after taking illegally compounded Ozempic from an online pharmacy聽 Products being sold as compounded Ozempic (semaglutide) and Mounjaro (tirzepatide)聽are being linked to severe side …

The skyrocketing demand for weight loss medications like Ozempic could temper shoppers鈥 appetites at our major supermarkets, Morgan Stanley says The Danish maker of GLP-1 receptor antagonists Ozempic and Wegovy, …

Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide are taking drugs like Ozempic to lose weight. But what do we actually know about them? The Conversation鈥檚 experts, Andrew Bartlett, Jessica Pace and …

GPs are being advised to 鈥渆xercise deep caution鈥 when contacted with offers to provide compounded semaglutide聽 Prescribers are being warned by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) not to be 鈥渄uped鈥 …

TGA should crack down on 鈥渞ogue pharmacists鈥 rather than rolling out a ban on compounding Ozempic (semaglutide), an obesity expert claims聽 Pragmatism is needed when it comes to regulating the …

Pharmacist accused of running underground compounding enterprise amid investigations into an international 鈥渟ubstandard鈥 Ozempic (semaglutide) scam聽 A Sydney-based pharmacist whose registration includes conditions barring him from compounding is being linked …

The CHF has said it ‘understands’ why the TGA is proposing a ban on pharmacists compounding Ozempic, but more must be done to boost supply Consumers Health Forum of Australia …

The TGA is looking at cracking down on the compounding of injectable weight loss medicines, following the concerns it expressed last year The Therapeutic Goods Administration has announced that it …