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PDL Professional Officers Naomi Lim and Jess Hadley talk early career pharmacy, PDL member support in expanded scope of practice, and how to deal with overwhelm Naomi and Jess stop …

鈥淵our industry is very specific. But what’s going to change it likely comes from outside of it鈥 says Future Crunch co-founder Future Crunch is part of a global movement of …

When it comes to the treatment of acne, Pharmacists can often be the first point of contact for an acne sufferer seeking treatment and advice. It is important to understand …

While treatment is a definitive therapeutic component in the management of acne, adjunctive skincare is just as important in alleviating symptoms and signs of disease, reducing the use of therapeutic …

Moral distress is part of pharmacy life; Amanda Galbraith and Curtis Ruhnau discuss how to manage it, and where you’ll always find someone who will listen Amanda Galbraith and Curtis …

Did you know that your existing customer base is possibly your business’ greatest hidden asset? Customer experience expert Amanda Stevens tells us more During APP2023 Amanda presented a session titled: …

Community pharmacies have yet to see the impact of rising interest rates on their retail performance, says business specialist John Thornett But when this impact does start to be felt …

In an evolving pain management landscape, what is the way forward? Joyce McSwan discusses OTC analgesics 20 April 2023 | 7-8.00PM AEST Misuse of analgesics has become a major concern …

Australian businesses are facing challenging times, with credit reporting agency, CreditorWatch forecast a risk in defaults over the next 12 months聽 Business owners should review their credit risk management processes …

Part two of our webinar series on teamwork where pharmacists discuss conflict, psychological safety, wellbeing – and the tricky topic of remuneration How can we improve teamwork when our staff …

“The advice from speakers was very practical and helpful. A terrific webinar” – join the second in our two-part webinar series where pharmacists share ways to enhance staff wellbeing and …

New biography of the 20th century鈥檚 most read novelist shows how poisons knowledge inspired her tales of murder and mystery Agatha Christie is claimed to be the best-selling novelist in …